
Midland ‘brakes’ Swiss Tractor Pulling


In tractor pulling, a tractor pulls a trailer loaded with weights, the so-called brake van. The name comes from the fact that an ingenious system continuously increases the weight linearly and slows down the forward momentum of the tractor. The aim is to achieve a 100 metre full pull and not get stuck beforehand.

The difficulty for the puller is to keep the tractor in balance and to get as far as possible. If the tractor stretches far into the air at the front, the ‘pull’ is usually over soon because the rear axle is already starting to dig in. When pulling, factors such as power, weight and weight distribution, tyre condition and tyre pressure play a role. But whether the ground is soft or hard, damp or dry also has an influence. Shift points and gear selection are also crucial.

The sport originated in the USA and spread via the Netherlands to neighbouring countries and Switzerland in the 1980s. The Swiss Tractor Pulling Association (STPV) has represented the interests of this rural sport since 1986. It also organises the various championships. Midland has been one of the STPV's partners since this year. As such, we are present with two swiss-red Midland flags throughout the season when the tractor pullers compete in their championships.