
Strong competition on the hill


Robin Faustini has pulled off the biggest surprise of all. Suddenly, another racing car appeared on his social media accounts: a Honda Nova-Turbo with a turbocharged Honda K20 four-cylinder engine. Still almost without any labelling, he was on the circuit in the Czech Republic with the new car and took part in the Eschdorf hill climb, where he finished 2nd overall. When asked, he explained that he was looking to enter the turbo era in order to have a level playing field and finally be able to compete at the front. The signs are better than they have been for a long time for the young man from Aargau.

It was known that Michel Zemp would be competing with a new engine after a year's break. He presented his Norma M20 FC Helftec-Honda at the Hotel Meilenstein in March 2024. The car was converted from a 2-litre naturally aspirated engine to an 1170cc turbo engine. Michel can look back on the most test kilometres. However, he did not compete in a race for a year until April 2024, when he also competed in Rechberg and finished 2nd in his class and 10th overall. He sees 2024 as an apprentice year in which he wants to get to know his Norma better and optimise it further. If he can drive at the top, he certainly won't mind.

What about the reigning Swiss champion Marcel Steiner? He already competed in a turbo last season and his title has encouraged the others to follow him. He drives the same car as in 2023, although his LobArt was seen in initial tests on the circuit with a futuristic carbon bodywork. Unfortunately, this did not prove its worth in racing and Marcel will compete in 2024 with the old shell. He also drove the Rechberg race to see where he stood. However, after retiring in the 2nd run, he was left without a countable result. Now he is hoping that he can continue where he left off last season.